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Emily Nightingale and Helaina Underwood

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  • 1 LESS- A scene is created with a certain amount of people and as time goes on, more players are eliminated from the scene. However, after every time a player leaves, the scene is recreated the same as originally and the other players have to take over the role of the absent player. Continues until one person has to recreate a scene by theirself and represent all the other players.

  • 2 HEADED ACTORS- Four players are grouped into pairs, however, each pair is conjoined. One pair have to speak at the same time while the other can only speak one word at a time from each player. These two pairs have to the play a scene.

  • 5 MIN. GIBBERISH- Two groups of two players are arranged, one player of each pair are sent outside and their remaining partners are given a unique action, place, thing, and person. Afterwards, the outside players return and have to guess their partner's attributes through their physical actions and gibberish language.

  • ALPHABET- Two players play a scene, except, they can only communicate with the corresponding letter beginning in the alphabet (ex. begin with the letter a, "Apples are my favorite", then follow with the letter b, "Brought some with me in case you asked")

  • APARTMENTS- Like a game of WINDOWS, except that, rather than all being separate stories, are now connected somehow as the stories takes place in the same 'apartment'.

  • BLIND FREEZE- Like a game of FREEZE, except the outside person doesn't know the current pose of the players until they are up for taking over a player's role for a new scene.

  • BUS STOP- Like a game of HITCHHIKER, except, instead of always conforming to the characteristic of the newly added hitchhiker, remains as the character they originally came as as they board the bus.

  • DATING GAME- A player is chosen and is sent outside while three other players remain inside, receiving unique character quirks. When the outside player returns, they enter a dating game involving the newly- received character quirks from the three other players. The outside player has to ask questions involving each one of the other player's life together. In the end, the outside player has to guess all three of the player's quirks.

  • DATING REENACTMENT- Two coupled audience members are picked out and joins the player on the stage. Two players asks the couple how they first met and from that information, have to reenact it. If the pair gets a certain piece of information correct, the couple ring a bell. However, if it's wrong, then the couple hit a buzzer.

  • EMOTIONAL QUADRANTS- Two players are playing a scene inside a large square split into four, smaller squares. Each quadrant of the square, however, have different emotions/feelings. When a player steps into a certain quadrant, they, too, must take on the emotion/feeling that is described in the box.

  • FAMOUS LAST WORDS- Like a game of WORLD'S WORST, except, instead of world's worst (blank), it's the famous last words of historic, famous, or fictional characters/ people.

  • FILM NOIR- 2 or more players create a scene based around a suggestion from the audience. However, at certain times of the scene, a player can step out to the audience and break the 4th wall by talking to the audience directly about their hidden motivation or knowledge. When doing such things, the players still in the scene are unaware of such actions taking place and continue as if they heard nothing when the player returns.

  • FREEZE- 2 or more people play a scene based on something from the audience or from their current poses. Outside people can yell 'Freeze!" to 'freeze' a scene and take over the role of a player to begin a new scene from their pose.

  • FROZEN BANANA STAND- A player is sent outside and is unknowingly given a unique characteristic by the audience's suggestion. When the player returns inside, they are selling frozen bananas and can determine what they are by the interactions between them and the shopping players.

  • GOOD, BAD, AND UGLY- Three players are given the attributes of good, bad, and ugly and have to answer accordingly to the audience's questions about various topics.

  • GRIZZLY DEATH- A player randomly picks a terrible death that's written by the audience from a hat. The player reads the death and has to reenact it through only actions, no words are used.

  • HALF TIME- A scene is created with a certain amount of people during a certain time window. When the scene is complete, the players have to reenact it in half the time. Can go down to where the players have to recreate an entire scene in 1 second.

  • HITCHHIKER- On a bus, a group of players are on an unknown destination however, every so often, a hitchhiking player will show up on the side of the road. When the hitchhiker joins the bus, their unique characteristic is reflective upon them and the other players on the bus. This recurs until all the players have been on and off the bus.

  • HOTSPOT- All performers are always fighting to have their moment in the limelight-as is with this game. All actors line up and there is one 'hotspot'. A suggestion for a word or genre is called out, and one actor must step up and begin singing a song that uses that suggestion. As soon as another actor thinks of a song that uses a word from that song, they push the actor out of the hotspot and sing their song. They key is to compete to be in the spot, so THINK FAST! (ex. "I set fire to the rain" becomes "I'm Singin' in the rain" to "IT'S RAININ' MEN")

  • HUMAN PROPS- Two players create a scene based around an audience's suggestion however, all the props use by the players are replaced by other players who are standing off to the side of the scene.

  • IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN- A game to play while Mr. Morrison is away, a scene is played between players. However, after every line a player says, it is followed by "If you know what I mean" to create an innuendo.

  • JERK- A regular scene is play between several players however, one player is gifted with the speciality of being the 'jerk'. The jerk can disregard every and any rule of improv (back to audience, asking questions, denials) while the other players are trying to build a scene around the jerk.

  • LINES FROM A HAT- Two players randomly pick several lines written by the audience from a hat. As the scenes progresses, the actors must incorporate these lines into their scene and justify them, however random they are (and believe me-THEY WILL BE).

  • NAIVE SCENE REPLAY/ CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON- A pair of players are sent outside while another pair of players play out a scene inside. The outside players are watching the inside players except they have no context as to what is going on. When the inside pair is done, the outside pair come in and replay the scene that they saw.

  • NEW CHOICE- Like a game of FREEZE, except random lines of dialogue/ actions may be call out by "New choice!" and the player needs to think of a new option for the phase/ action.

  • OLYMPICS-Two player are completing in olympic sports chosen by the audience's suggestion while two other players are hosting and commenting on what they can interpret from the performing players' actions (competing players are not talking). The game is played in three rounds, each round demonstrating a different sport in the event. The hosts can rewind, pause, slow- motion, and do other wacky TV related settings to the competitors. In the end, a winner is chosen by the hosts.

  • PARTY GUEST- Like a game of DATING GAME, except, instead of the outside player asking questions to the other unique players, involves the outside player hosting a party and talking directly to the unique players about their quirks

  • PRESS CONFERENCE- A player is chosen and is sent outside while the audience chooses a unique person and event in which the outside player is. As the player is returned inside, other players are giving the outside player a press conference and ask questions hinting as to who or what they are.

  • PROPS- Two groups of two players are given different props but each pair of players have the same prop. The pairs must collaborate with each other to create as many unique scenes and gags with the props to out compete the opposing pair.

  • QUESTIONS- Two players are communicating only with questions. When one player cannot reply in a question, boh player return to their seats/ back of the line of other players.

  • QUESTION THIS- Four players are contestants for a show that somewhat resembles Jeopardy, but rather than answering questions, creates questions for the answers that are suggestions from the audience.

  • SCENES FROM A HAT- Like a game of WORLD's WORST, except, instead of world's worst (blank), uses random scenes written by the audience that are picked randomly from a hat. A player can step up and recreate the scene to the best of their ability.

  • SIT, STAND, LIE DOWN, KNEEL- Four players create a scene based around an audience's suggestion however, at all times, each player must be either sitting, standing, lying down, or kneeling during that time. No two players can be in the same position at the same time.

  • SLIDESHOW- A group of players arranges themselves in different but, connected, positions on stage. Another player has to create a rational as to why they are in each position, like giving a powerpoint to a class about a certain subject or family vacation.

  • STACK- Like a game of FREEZE, except, instead of replacing the players when the game is frozen, adds on rather and can either continue the story or create a new one.

  • WINDOWS- Three groups of two players are trying to create a beginning, middle, and end to their story based around a suggestion from the audience. Each pair has to complete each portion in a limited time.

  • WORLD'S WORST- A group of players are lined up on stage and, when given a specific world's worst suggestion (occupation, way to ___, etc), can step up and give their best impression as to what it means to them.

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